Renpy hide quick menu
Renpy hide quick menu

renpy hide quick menu

So this is all well and good… but notice that we’ve had to hardcode the position of everything above. Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Quit") Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Preferences") Imagebutton auto "gui/menu/prefs_%s.png": Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="About") Imagebutton auto "gui/menu/about_%s.png": Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Load") Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Save") Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="History")Īction Imagebutton auto "gui/menu/history_%s.png": Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Main Menu") Hovered Show("mm_tooltip",ttcontent="Return") Imagebutton auto "gui/menu/return_%s.png": (I’ve also added ATL effects, not shown above, to the buttons themselves so they fade in and out, in addition to the tooltip text.) screen game_navigation(): You can lay them out however you want, but the important part is the “ Show” action for their hover attributes. Next are the actual menu items themselves. Transform mm_tooltip_show(delaytimer=0.0, duration=0.25): Xanchor 1.0 yanchor 1.0 ypos 1035 xsize 300 ysize 100 In this case, the tooltip fades in as it moves leftward out of the buttons, and fades out as it moves rightward back into the buttons. I believe this is also the more “traditional” way of doing tooltips.įirst thing’s first: We’ll need to define a screen to hold the tooltip text and a transform to show and hide it. You can even apply AT effects to the tooltip to make it fade out or whatever. This is fairly straightforward to do in the quick menu/game menu case, where the location of the tooltip is fixed. Treat your daughters well, or not.Part of the GUI work I did for Xenopathy was converting traditional buttons (in the quick menu, game menus, and confirmation screen, for example) into images, with hover tooltips that provide an explanation. I love roguelikes and I love secrets and I love weird games and I love mushroom girls, so here we are. Not your fun, lovable wizard magic, but the unsettling unpredictable magic of witches and nature, where sometimes things are just gross and brutal and weird. Between the stylized photo-backgrounds, the absolutely adorable mushroom girls, and the haunting music, this game oozes a magical vibe. It's got all the great hallmarks of a princess sim: sometimes she falls in love, sometimes she dies horribly. I have raised over 60 mushroom daughters and I have not dug up half of what this game has planted.Īside from that, there's the tone.

renpy hide quick menu

I have never played a VN or princess sim with this level of surprises tucked away.


You can stumble into entire subgames full of dungeons to explore.

renpy hide quick menu

You catch a fairy to feed your daughter and she changes shape and suddenly the screen is neon pink and blue. It's been a while since I've seen something that just kept surprising me. Here's the thing: This game is so chock-full of secrets. Sometimes she settles down for a boring, safe retirement. Sometimes she is ripped to shreds before her time. Sometimes your daughter lives a wonderful, full life of adventure. In the final act of each run, your daughter will decide to pursue a great cause, such as slaying a monster, attending a gala, or climbing a magical mountain. If you meet an artist and convince him to teach you to paint, later on (with some luck and magic) you can impress a noble with a stunning portrait. Choices you make earlier in her life will affect her later: friends will come back a second time, skills will come in handy. Some of these have random dice rolls affected by your stats and resources, and can also manipulate your stats further.


The first act of a run is spent as the hermit, making choices on how you raise your daughter - what do you feed her? are you strict or lax? do you teach her magic or how to farm? - and these affect her mushroom species and her statistics in the second act, where your daughter leaves home to explore the world, where the game begins in full.Įvery day your daughter will run into some strange situation or meet some new person, and you are given choices for how she interacts. A single daughter can live a full life from dirt to dirt in less than 30 minutes. You will raise several daughters, and each of them will take a wildly different path, based on random events and choices you make.

renpy hide quick menu

Mushroom Musume plays extremely like a roguelike. You play as a hermit that wants a daughter so badly you decide to raise a magic mushroom, and she grows up and goes off on adventures. Mushroom Musume is a highly replayable princess raising game. EDIT: okay this game deserves a proper full review!!

Renpy hide quick menu